Best Websites For Keyword Research

Top 8 Sites Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, MOZ, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest,, Serpstat, Longtailpro.

Smart Point

5/31/202314 min read

Keyword Research
Keyword Research

What is Keywords Research

Today we are going to talk about keywords so what is a keyword. In very general terms, keywords are basically words or phrases that describe what your content is about or what information is on your web page. Let's take an example. If your website is a blogging site and there is a page on it where you are explaining what is digital marketing, digital marketing, what is marketing, online marketing. These are our keywords i.e. these keywords will tell what your content is about. On the other hand, if we talk about it from the SEO perspective, the meaning of the keyword is slightly different from the SEO perspective. We have understood what the keyword means for the audience, that is, the keyword means you. What is the web page about but when we do SEO of any website, keywords basically become the keywords for us that we want our web page to rank for. Like we took the example of digital marketing, if you have a blog about digital marketing written on a web page, then we would like that whenever a person searches for something related to this blog or something related to digital marketing, such as what If digital marketing or what digital marketing does such keyword research, it will see our website on the top rank.

For an SEO executive or SEO worker, keywords are phrases or words that you want to rank for. Now comes the question why keyword understanding or keyword research is important. If you know the words that you want your website or web page to rank for, then you will put those words in your content. So Google will read your page and Google will also know that whenever someone searches about digital marketing, they can show our page to them. Because this page is absolutely relevant. Basically you put your keywords into Google's crawler to show the relevance. But now the question also arises whether they put keywords only for Google, then it is not so.

As you know search engines consider many factors to rank your website one of them is keyword which we just discussed in detail. If you think you have put good keywords then your website will rank, it is not. Most of the keywords you use are for your users or your audience. Because when a user wants to know about digital marketing and he types what is digital marketing, he lands on your page and gets relevant content. That's why understanding keywords from the audience's point of view as well as from the crawler's point of view is very important.

There are several websites that offer excellent keyword research tools and resources. Here are some of the best websites for keyword research.

Google Keyword PlannerGoogle Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner is a widely used and valuable tool for keyword research. It is part of Google Ads and is primarily designed to help advertisers plan their Google Ads campaigns. However, it can also be utilized for general keyword research purposes. Here's an overview of Google Keyword Planner and how to use it.

Accessing Google Keyword Planner: To use Google Keyword Planner, you need a Google Ads account. If you don't have one, you can create a Google Ads account for free. Once you have an account, log in to Google Ads.

Navigating to Keyword Planner: After logging in, click on the "Tools & Settings" option in the top menu, and then select "Keyword Planner" from the dropdown menu.

Find New Keywords: In the Keyword Planner interface, you have two options: "Discover new keywords" and "Get search volume and forecasts."

Discover new keywords: This option helps you find new keyword ideas. You can enter a product, service, or topic related to your website or business, and Keyword Planner will suggest relevant keywords along with search volume data and trends.

Get search volume and forecasts: This option allows you to get search volume and performance forecasts for a list of keywords. You can enter a list of keywords, and Keyword Planner will provide data on average monthly search volume, competition level, and other metrics.

Refining and Analyzing Keywords: Keyword Planner provides various filters and customization options to help you refine and analyze your keyword list. You can filter keywords by location, language, search volume, competition, and more. Additionally, you can review historical statistics, such as average monthly searches and trends, to gain insights into keyword performance.

Exporting and Saving Keywords: Once you have gathered a list of keywords, you can export them or save them directly within the Google Ads platform for future reference.

Remember, Google Keyword Planner is primarily designed for Google Ads advertisers, so some features and data may be more focused on paid advertising. However, it still provides valuable keyword suggestions and search volume data that can be helpful for SEO and content planning purposes.

Keep in mind that keyword research is an ongoing process, and it's recommended to use multiple keyword research tools to get a comprehensive understanding of keyword opportunities.

Semrush logoSemrush logo
SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO and digital marketing tool that offers a wide range of features, including a powerful keyword research tool. It provides valuable insights into keywords, competitors, backlinks, and more. Here's an overview of SEMrush and its keyword research capabilities.

Keyword Research: SEMrush's Keyword Research tool allows you to discover new keyword ideas and analyze their search volume, keyword difficulty, and trends. You can enter a seed keyword, domain, or URL, and SEMrush will generate a list of related keywords along with useful metrics.

Keyword Metrics: SEMrush provides various metrics to evaluate keywords, such as search volume (the average number of searches per month), keyword difficulty (an estimate of how hard it is to rank for a keyword), CPC (cost per click) data, and more. These metrics help you identify high-potential keywords and evaluate their competitiveness.

Competitor Analysis: One of SEMrush's strengths is its competitor analysis features. You can enter a competitor's domain or URL, and SEMrush will provide insights into their top-ranking keywords, organic and paid traffic, backlinks, and other crucial data. This information can help you identify keyword opportunities and understand your competitors' strategies.

Keyword Gap Analysis: SEMrush allows you to compare your website or domain with your competitors' to identify keywords that they rank for, but you don't. This helps you discover valuable keywords that you may be missing out on and develop a strategy to improve your search rankings.

Content Optimization: SEMrush's Content Analyzer tool helps you optimize your content for specific target keywords. It provides recommendations for on-page SEO improvements, analyzes your content's readability, and suggests related keywords to enhance your content's relevance and visibility.

Local Keyword Research: SEMrush offers features specifically designed for local businesses. You can discover location-specific keywords, track local rankings, analyze local competitors, and gain insights into local search trends.

Additional Features: SEMrush provides many other features that complement its keyword research capabilities, such as backlink analysis, site audits, social media tracking, and more. These features allow you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your website's overall performance and develop effective SEO strategies.

SEMrush is a popular choice among SEO professionals, digital marketers, and website owners due to its extensive range of tools and data. It offers a wealth of information to help you conduct in-depth keyword research, optimize your content, and stay ahead of the competition.

Moz logoMoz logo
Moz is a well-known and reputable SEO software company that provides a range of tools and resources to help with keyword research, link building, site audits, and more. Here's an overview of Moz and its keyword research capabilities.

Keyword Explorer: Moz's Keyword Explorer tool is designed to assist with keyword research. It provides data on search volume, keyword difficulty, organic click-through rate (CTR), and priority score. It also offers keyword suggestions and related terms to help you expand your keyword list.

MOZ Keyword Metrics: Moz's Keyword Explorer provides various metrics to evaluate keywords. Search volume indicates the average number of monthly searches, while keyword difficulty assesses the competition level for a particular keyword. Organic CTR estimates the percentage of searchers likely to click on an organic search result. Priority score is an overall measure of a keyword's potential value.

MOZ SERP Analysis: Moz allows you to analyze search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords. You can see the top-ranking pages, their domain authority, page authority, and the number of linking root domains. This information helps you understand the competitive landscape and adjust your keyword targeting and content strategy accordingly.

MOZ Competitor Analysis: Moz offers competitive analysis features that allow you to track your competitors' performance. You can compare your website's keyword rankings, backlinks, and other SEO metrics with your competitors'. This information helps you identify keyword opportunities and gain insights into their SEO strategies.

Rank Tracking: Moz provides rank tracking capabilities to monitor your keyword rankings over time. You can track your rankings on both desktop and mobile devices, and receive updates on changes and fluctuations in your keyword positions.

On-Page Optimization: Moz also offers on-page optimization features to help you optimize your content for target keywords. It provides recommendations for improving page titles, meta descriptions, headings, and other on-page elements to enhance your website's search visibility.

Link Explorer: Moz's Link Explorer tool allows you to analyze backlinks for any website. You can explore the linking domains, anchor text distribution, spam score, and other backlink metrics. This information helps you evaluate your backlink profile and identify opportunities for link building.

Moz is a trusted name in the SEO industry, and its tools and resources can be valuable for keyword research, competitor analysis, and overall SEO optimization. It's worth exploring Moz's offerings to determine if they align with your specific needs and goals.

Ahrefs logoAhrefs logo
Ahrefs is a widely used and highly regarded SEO tool that provides comprehensive features for keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink analysis, and more. Here's an overview of Ahrefs and its keyword research capabilities:

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer: Ahrefs' Keyword Explorer is a powerful tool for finding new keyword ideas and evaluating their potential. It provides search volume data, keyword difficulty scores, clicks and click-through rate (CTR) estimates, global and country-specific search volume, and keyword suggestions based on the entered seed keyword.

Ahrefs Keyword Metrics: Ahrefs offers various metrics to assess the value and competitiveness of keywords. These metrics include search volume, keyword difficulty, clicks, CTR, global volume trends, and more. Ahrefs' proprietary "Keyword Difficulty" score helps you assess the difficulty of ranking for a particular keyword, taking into account the authority of the top-ranking pages.

Content Gap Analysis: Ahrefs allows you to compare your website with your competitors and identify keywords that they rank for, but you don't. This feature helps you uncover valuable keyword opportunities and develop a content strategy to bridge the gap.

Ahrefs SERP Analysis: Ahrefs provides detailed analysis of search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords. You can see the top-ranking pages, their backlink profiles, estimated organic traffic, and other key data. This information helps you understand the competition for specific keywords and craft your content and SEO strategy accordingly.

Competitor Analysis: Ahrefs' comprehensive competitor analysis features enable you to gain insights into your competitors' SEO strategies. You can analyze their top-ranking keywords, backlink profiles, content performance, and more. This information can help you identify new keyword opportunities and refine your SEO approach.

Keyword Rank Tracking: Ahrefs offers a rank tracking feature that allows you to monitor your keyword rankings over time. You can track your rankings on both desktop and mobile devices, and receive updates on changes and fluctuations in your keyword positions.

Ahrefs Backlink Analysis: While not directly related to keyword research, Ahrefs is renowned for its robust backlink analysis capabilities. Backlinks play a crucial role in SEO, and Ahrefs provides comprehensive data on backlink profiles, referring domains, anchor text distribution, and more. This information can help you understand the backlink profiles of your competitors and refine your link building strategies.

Ahrefs is widely used by SEO professionals and marketers due to its extensive features and accurate data. It offers valuable insights for keyword research, competitor analysis, and overall SEO strategy development.

Ubersuggest logoUbersuggest logo
Ubersuggest is a comprehensive SEO tool developed by Neil Patel, a well-known digital marketer. It offers a variety of features to assist with keyword research, competitive analysis, backlink analysis, content optimization, and more. Here's an overview of Ubersuggest and its keyword research capabilities.

Ubersuggest Keyword Research: Ubersuggest's Keyword Research tool helps you find new keyword ideas and provides insights into search volume, CPC (cost per click), competition level, and keyword difficulty. You can enter a seed keyword, and Ubersuggest will generate keyword suggestions along with relevant metrics to evaluate their potential.

Ubersuggest Keyword Metrics: Ubersuggest provides essential keyword metrics to assess the value and competitiveness of keywords. These metrics include search volume (average monthly searches), CPC (average cost per click in paid advertising), competition level (based on organic search results), and keyword difficulty (on a scale from 0 to 100, indicating the difficulty of ranking for a keyword).

Competitor Analysis Pro: Ubersuggest allows you to analyze your competitors' websites and gain insights into their top-ranking keywords, organic traffic, backlink profiles, and more. This information helps you identify keyword opportunities and understand your competitors' SEO strategies.

Content Ideas: Ubersuggest provides content ideas based on popular topics and keywords in your industry. It helps you discover trending content, popular headlines, and related keywords to enhance your content creation and optimization efforts.

Site Audit: Ubersuggest's Site Audit feature helps you identify and fix on-page SEO issues that may impact your website's search performance. It checks for issues such as broken links, missing meta tags, duplicate content, and more.

Backlink Analysis: Ubersuggest offers a backlink analysis tool that allows you to analyze the backlink profiles of your website or your competitors. You can view referring domains, anchor text distribution, and other backlink metrics to gain insights into link building opportunities.

Rank Tracking: Ubersuggest enables you to track your keyword rankings over time. You can monitor your rankings on both desktop and mobile devices, and receive updates on changes and fluctuations in your keyword positions.

Ubersuggest is known for its user-friendly interface and affordability, making it accessible to users with various levels of SEO knowledge. It provides valuable insights and tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, content optimization, and more. Consider exploring Ubersuggest to determine if it meets your specific requirements and aligns with your SEO goals. logo is an online keyword research tool that provides keyword suggestions from multiple search engines and platforms, including Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, eBay, and more. It helps you discover relevant keywords and uncover long-tail variations that can be valuable for your SEO and content strategies. Here are the key features of
Keyword Suggestions: generates keyword ideas based on your seed keyword or topic. It offers a wide range of keyword suggestions by pulling data from various search engines and platforms. You can choose the specific search engine or platform you want to target, enabling you to find keywords tailored to your audience.
Search Volume Data: provides estimated search volume data for the generated keywords. This information helps you understand the potential traffic and popularity of specific keywords.

Keyword Competition: While does not provide an exact keyword difficulty metric, it offers a concept called "competition" to give you a general sense of how competitive a keyword is. It uses color-coded indicators (high, medium, low) to represent the level of competition for each keyword.

Long-Tail Keyword Suggestions: The tool specializes in generating long-tail keyword variations, which are more specific and often have lower competition. These long-tail keywords can help you target niche audiences and increase the chances of ranking higher in search results.
Advanced Filtering and Options: allows you to refine and filter the generated keyword suggestions based on different criteria. You can exclude certain keywords, add specific words or phrases, and customize the language and location settings to obtain more targeted results.
Export and Analysis: The tool provides the option to export the generated keyword lists, enabling you to save them for future reference or import them into other SEO tools for further analysis. offers a free version that provides a limited number of keyword suggestions and search volume data. It also offers a paid version with additional features and more comprehensive data. Whether you choose the free or paid version depends on your specific needs and the level of keyword research you require.It's worth noting that primarily focuses on providing keyword suggestions and search volume data. For more in-depth analysis, competition insights, and additional SEO features, you may want to consider using other tools in combination with
Serpstat logoSerpstat logo
Serpstat is a comprehensive SEO platform that offers a range of tools and features to help with keyword research, competitor analysis, site audits, backlink analysis, and more. It provides valuable insights and data to improve your website's search engine visibility. Here's an overview of Serpstat and its keyword research capabilities.

Serpstat Keyword Research: Serpstat's Keyword Research tool helps you discover new keyword ideas and provides data on search volume, keyword difficulty, competition level, and cost per click (CPC). You can enter a seed keyword, and Serpstat will generate a list of related keywords along with relevant metrics to evaluate their potential.

Serpstat Keyword Metrics: Serpstat provides various metrics to assess the value and competitiveness of keywords. These metrics include search volume (monthly search frequency), keyword difficulty (on a scale from 1 to 100, indicating how hard it is to rank for a keyword), competition level (based on paid search advertising), and CPC (average cost per click in paid advertising).

Serpstat Competitor Analysis: Serpstat's competitor analysis features allow you to analyze your competitors' websites and gain insights into their organic and paid keyword rankings, traffic estimates, backlink profiles, and more. This information helps you identify keyword opportunities and understand your competitors' SEO strategies.

Search Suggestions: Serpstat offers search suggestion features that provide autocomplete suggestions based on the entered seed keyword. These suggestions can help you uncover long-tail variations and related keywords that are frequently searched by users.

Content Optimization: Serpstat provides on-page SEO analysis to help optimize your website's content. It identifies areas for improvement, such as meta tags, headings, and content length, to enhance your content's relevance and visibility in search engines.

Ahrefs Rank Tracking: Serpstat enables you to track your keyword rankings over time. You can monitor your rankings on various search engines and geolocations, receive updates on changes, and analyze your progress in search engine result pages (SERPs).

Backlink Analysis Pro: Serpstat offers backlink analysis features that allow you to analyze your own backlink profile as well as your competitors'. You can explore referring domains, anchor text distribution, and other backlink metrics to evaluate your backlink quality and identify opportunities for link building.

Serpstat is known for its extensive data coverage, user-friendly interface, and competitive pricing compared to other SEO tools. It provides valuable insights and features for keyword research, competitor analysis, content optimization, and overall SEO improvement. Consider exploring Serpstat to determine if it meets your specific requirements and aligns with your SEO goals.

Long tail pro logoLong tail pro logo
Long Tail Pro is a keyword research tool that is designed to help you find long-tail keywords with low competition and high potential for driving targeted organic traffic. It offers a range of features to assist with keyword research, competitive analysis, and rank tracking. Here's an overview of Long Tail Pro and its capabilities.

Long Tail Keyword Research: Long Tail Pro provides a keyword research feature that allows you to discover long-tail keyword ideas based on your seed keywords. It generates keyword suggestions along with important metrics such as search volume, keyword competitiveness, and potential traffic value. This information helps you identify keywords that have a good balance of search volume and competition.

Long Tail Keyword Competitiveness: Long Tail Pro calculates a keyword competitiveness score (KC score) that indicates the difficulty of ranking for a specific keyword. The score is based on factors such as domain authority, page authority, and backlink profiles of the top-ranking pages for the keyword. This helps you assess the competitiveness of keywords and prioritize your targeting.

SERP Analysis: Long Tail Pro allows you to analyze search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords. You can view the top-ranking pages, their domain authority, page authority, backlink profiles, and other key metrics. This analysis helps you understand the competition for certain keywords and shape your content strategy accordingly.

Competitor Analysis Pro: Long Tail Pro enables you to analyze your competitors' websites and keywords. You can identify the keywords they are ranking for, assess their competitiveness, and gain insights into their SEO strategies. This information helps you identify keyword opportunities and refine your own SEO approach.

Rank Tracking Pro: Long Tail Pro provides a rank tracking feature to monitor your keyword rankings over time. You can track your rankings on various search engines, track progress, and receive updates on changes and fluctuations in your keyword positions.

Long Tail Pro is popular among SEO professionals and marketers who are specifically interested in finding long-tail keywords with low competition. Its features are geared towards optimizing content for targeted and niche audiences. It's important to note that Long Tail Pro is a paid tool, and its pricing and plans may vary. Consider exploring Long Tail Pro's offerings to determine if it aligns with your specific keyword research needs and SEO goals.